Embracing Xeriscape Yards: A New Law Promotes Water Conservation in Colorado

We are excited to share some great news for homeowners in Colorado! Governor Jared Polis recently signed into law State Senate Bill 178, which brings significant changes to Homeowner Association (HOA) rules in the state. These groundbreaking changes empower you to bid farewell to water-thirsty grass lawns and embrace resilient, water-wise plantings. As a company passionate about creating beautiful xeriscape yards, we want to inform you about the benefits of xeriscaping for you, pollinators, and the planet.

Water Conservation Takes Center Stage

With approximately 60% of Coloradans residing in HOAs, the impact of this new law is substantial. Previously, HOAs had the authority to regulate the type, number, and placement of plants on homeowners' properties. The birth of State Senate Bill 178 has unleashed a tidal wave of possibilities, reshaping homeowners' associations fingerprint on your yard.

The Key Changes: The newly enacted law ensures that HOA guidelines cannot:

  • Unreasonably require the use of hardscape on more than 20% of the landscaping area of a property.

  • Prevent a homeowner from choosing an option that consists of at least 80% drought-tolerant plantings.

  • Prohibit vegetable gardens in the front, back, or side yard of a unit owner's property.

Benefits for Homeowners and the Environment

Xeriscape yards offer numerous advantages that extend beyond water conservation. By replacing traditional lawns with drought-tolerant alternatives, homeowners can experience reduced water bills, lower maintenance requirements, and increased property value. Additionally, xeriscaping promotes biodiversity and supports pollinators by providing a habitat for bees, butterflies, and other essential insects. The recent changes in Colorado's HOA rules align with a larger trend across the state and the country.

Join the Movement

We, as a company, are committed to helping homeowners embrace xeriscape yards and all the benefits they offer. With our expertise and passion for sustainable landscaping, we can transform your outdoor space into an eco-friendly haven while ensuring it remains visually appealing and functional.

As the new law in Colorado enables homeowners to make the switch to xeriscape yards, it presents a unique opportunity to conserve water, create beautiful landscapes, and support our environment. We encourage you to explore the possibilities of xeriscaping and reach out to us for assistance in creating your dream xeriscape yard. Together, let's make a positive impact on water resources, pollinators, and the planet.

PSST. . . Did you Know?

Larkspur Landscaping is a member of Two-thirds for the Birds. In 2022, as fervent advocates for the conservation of bird species and their habitats, we joined this remarkable initiative, which strives to safeguard bird populations and promote sustainable landscapes. Being a member of the Two-thirds for the Birds community signifies our deep commitment to creating bird-friendly environments within the scope of our landscaping projects. By adhering to their principles and guidelines, we ensure that our practices prioritize the well-being of our feathered friends, preserving their habitats and supporting their vital role in ecosystems. This affiliation not only demonstrates our dedication to environmental stewardship but also provides our clients with the assurance that our services go beyond aesthetics, fostering a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. Together, we contribute to the collective effort of preserving avian biodiversity and creating a more sustainable world for generations to come.


The Fragile Balance: Reconnecting with Nature through Landscaping


Garden Coaching